Our collection contains stories about more than 16 different families with children of all ages with Angelman syndrome.
These are broken down into three different volumes:

Volume 20: Case Histories (Ages 0-9)
This volume features the case studies of 7 children with Angelman syndrome, Justin, who is three years old, Adrian and Riley, twins who are both three, Jonathan and Josh, who are both seven, and Troy and Matty, who are both eight. Each history presents the experiences of the families as they learned about the diagnosis and work to support their children with Angelman syndrome.

Volume 21: Case Histories (Ages 10-17)
This volume features the case studies of five different adolescents with Angelman syndrome: Kaitlyn, who is ten, Ben, who is twelve, Alex, who is thirteen, Stephanie, who is fourteen, and a different Ben, who is fifteen.

Volume 22: Case Histories (Ages 18+)
This final volume features the stories of seven different adults with Angelman syndrome: Roger, who is eighteen, Jason, who is twenty-five, David, who is thirty-three, Sisters Sharon, Sandy, and Lisa who are thirty-eight, thirty-seven, and thirty-three respectively, and a different Sandy, who is forty.